Human Rights, Not One More Execution, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, Solidarity with Women

TAKE ACTION: Letter from the Children of Sakine Mohammadi: We Stretch Out Our Hands to the People of the Whole World: Protest Against our Mother’s Stoning

Friends: URGENT ACTION is required on behalf of Sakine Mohammadi. This post includes the following:

1) The appeal from her children in English and Farsi (scroll down for Farsi)

2) Sample letters to send to
— the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights copied to Amnesty International
— the International Committee of the Red Cross

Two things to do:
1) Please send the sample letters adjusted per your preferences to the targeted recipients
2) Please send the children’s letter to your local newspaper with an explanation of why we need to support these children and take a stand against execution in Iran.

Do not allow our nightmare become a reality,
Protest against our mother’s stoning!

Today we stretch out our hands to the people of the whole world. It is now five years that we have lived in fear and in horror, deprived of motherly love. Is the world so cruel that it can watch this catastrophe and do nothing about it?

We are Sakine Mohammadi e Ashtiani’s children, Farideh and Sajjad Mohamamadi e Ashtiani. Since our childhood we have been acquainted with the pain of knowing that our mother is imprisoned and awaiting a catastrophe. To tell the truth, the term “stoning” is so horrific that we try never to use it. We instead say our mother is in danger, she might be killed, and she deserves everyone’s help.

Today, when nearly all options have reached dead-ends, and our mother’s lawyer says that she is in a dangerous situation, we resort to you. We resort to the people of the world, no matter who you are and where in the world you live. We resort to you, people of Iran, all of you who have experienced the pain and anguish of the horror of losing a loved one.

Please help our mother return home!

We especially stretch our hand out to the Iranians living abroad. Help to prevent this nightmare from becoming reality. Save our mother. We are unable to explain the anguish of every moment, every second of our lives. Words are unable to articulate our fear…

Help to save our mother. Write to and ask officials to free her. Tell them that she doesn’t have a civil complainant and has not done any wrong. Our mother should not be killed. Is there any one hearing this and rushing to our assistance?

Farideh and Sajjad Mohammadi e Ashtiani

Translation: Mission Free Iran

Disseminated by the Committee Against Stoning
Mina Ahadi
+49 177 569 2413


SAMPLE LETTER TO NAVI PILLAY, UN High Commissioner for the Office of Human Rights:

Send to:, with copies to:

Dear Ms. Pillay,

I am writing to you with an urgent demand that you intervene with the authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran, who are preparing to execute by stoning Sakine Mohammadi e Ashtiani. Stoning is a barbaric form of torture and execution that should be outlawed worldwide. It is your responsibility to step in and demand a halt to these proceedings.

The children of Ms. Mohammadi e Ashtiana have written a letter in her defense, and have issued a call to the world asking for help. Their letter is here; I suggest you read it, and then act according to their heartrending demands.

[your name]

* * * * *


Send to: Florian Westphal ( and Dorothea Krimitsas (

Dear Ms. Westphal and Ms. Krimitsas,

I am writing to you with an urgent request that you intervene with the authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran, who are preparing to execute by stoning Sakine Mohammadi e Ashtiani. Stoning is a barbaric form of torture and execution that should be outlawed worldwide. Multilateral organizations have thus far refused to step in and put a halt to the criminal actions perpetrated by the Islamic Republic. Your mandate encourages your organization to undertake the work of visiting prisoners in situations of internal violence, where the Geneva Conventions do not apply. I ask you to step in and demand a halt to these and other ongoing criminal and barbaric proceedings in the Islamic Republic

The children of Ms. Mohammadi e Ashtiana have written a letter in her defense, and have issued a call to the world asking for help. Their letter is here; please read it, and then act according to their heartrending demands.

[your name]



نگذاريد کابوس زندگيمان اتفاق بيفتد٬

به سنگسار شدن مادرمان اعتراض کنيد!

امروز دست ياري به سوي همه مردم دنيا دراز ميکنيم. پنج سال است که بدون مهر مادري و با ترس و وحشت زندگي ميکنيم. آيا دنيا آنچنان ظالم است که ميتواند اين فاجعه را ببيند و راحت از آن عبور کند ؟

ما فرزندان سکينه محمدي آشتياني هستيم. فريده و سجاد محمدي آشتياني. از سنين نوجواني با اين درد آشنا شديم که مادرمان در زندان است و ما منتظر يک فاجعه نشسته ايم. راستش کلمه سنگسار٬ به خودي خود چنان ترسناک است که ما سعي ميکنيم هيچگاه از آن استفاده نکنيم. ما ميگوييم٬ مادرمان در خطر است٬ مادرمان مکنست کشته شود و مادرمان از همه انتظار دارد کمکش کنند.

امروز که تقريبا همه راهها به بن بست رسيده و وکيل مادرمان ميگويد وضع مادر ما خطرناک است٬ به شما متوسل ميشويم. به مردم دنيا متوسل ميشويم٬ فرق نميکند رنگ پوستشان چيست و يا در کدام کشور و شهر زندگي ميکنند٬ به شما مردم ايران٬ به همه کسانيکه درد و زخم اينرا چشيده اند که کشته شدن يک عزيز خانواده چقدر وحشتناک است٬ متوسل ميشويم. کمک کنيد مادر ما به خانه برگردد!

ما به ويژه دست ياري بسوي ايرانيان در همه جاي دنيا دراز ميکنيم. کمک کنيد اين کابوس متحقق نشود. کمک کنيد مادر ما نجات پيدا کند. واقعا توضيح دادن لحظه ها و ثانيه هاي زندگي ما بسيار سخت است. کلمات در مقابل اين وحشت ٬ گويايي خود را از دست ميدهند…

کمک کنيد مادر ما نجات يابد. نامه بنويسيد و از مقامات بخواهيد او را آزاد کنند. بگوييد که او هيچ شاکي خصوصي ندارد و کاري نکرده است. مادر ما نبايد کشته شود. آيا اين حرف را کسي هست بشنود و به ياري ما بشتابد.

فريده و سجاد فرزندان سکينه محمدي آشتياني

 باز تکثير از کميته بين المللي عليه سنگسار

مينا احدي



98 thoughts on “TAKE ACTION: Letter from the Children of Sakine Mohammadi: We Stretch Out Our Hands to the People of the Whole World: Protest Against our Mother’s Stoning

  1. this barbarity must not be allowed to happen . the iri should return this mother to care for her children

    Posted by joan cove | June 26, 2010, 3:11 pm
  2. Dear God,

    Please strike our hearts with the light of your compassion. Where there is hatred, sow love; where there is injury, pardon; and where there is discord, harmony.

    If not, then strike our hearts with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that we may work for justice, freedom and peace.

    If not, then bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in this world, so we can do what others claim cannot be done.

    Posted by Ham Sangar | June 26, 2010, 3:13 pm
  3. international human right are useless, they have no power, and also sometimes cooperating with Iranian regime under ground,,, money talks,

    Posted by marshall shokouhi | June 26, 2010, 3:39 pm

    Posted by diana nardella | June 26, 2010, 3:40 pm
  5. Free Sakine Mohammadi & all prisoners from mollas regime in Iran

    Posted by ray | June 26, 2010, 5:50 pm
  6. Freedom for the whole world, human rights.

    Posted by Heleen | June 26, 2010, 7:08 pm

    Demand judiciary halts stoning

    Iranian woman, Sakineh Mohammadi is at risk of execution by stoning in Tabriz Prison, western Iran. She was convicted in 2006 or 2007 of “adultery while being married”. She was previously flogged for “having an illicit relationship”.

    Posted by Sonja Jo | June 26, 2010, 11:37 pm
    • No woman should undergo this type of torture!! I guess if she was a terrorist she would receive an award. This is barbaric, cruel and unusual punishment. Since she can not divorce the person what is her recourse? Certainly the husband would not not be subjected to the same penalty!! Maybe if men were subjected to the same penalty there would be a law made to prevent this horrible one sided punishment (i.e. the right to fair and equitable divorce by both parties). How can your government allow further abuse by the indirect torture of this Iranian woman’s children observing your cruelty!!!

      Posted by Patricia Tashjian | June 29, 2010, 12:24 am
      • She can’t divorce her husband because he’s dead. I think the important thing is to save this woman. Does the Iranian govt. realize that this sort of thing is why we loathe them (the govt. not the citizens)? Just think, these guys are about to acquire nuclear capability! This is a perfect representation of how much the Iranian govt. values human life. They appear backwards and crazy and letting this woman go would be a good opportunity to improve their image while the world is watching.

        Posted by Laura Strickland | July 6, 2010, 10:33 am
  8. über die politische Situation im Iran
    Am Sonntag den 27 juni 2010 Erhalte ich nachricht von ( ) über versteinigiung in iran frau segine Stoppen wir.
    ich diese mörderischen Handlungen des islamischen Regimes im Iran auf das Schäfste
    Auf die anhalten den Festnahmen Folterungen und hinrichtungen an politischen
    Gefangen und andauernde Repressalien im ganzen land muss aufmerksam gemacht
    Werden.Die iranische Regierung die seit mehr als einunddreißig Jahren mit solchen
    Grausamen Mitteln regiert, ist auch nicht in der lage gegen die Folgen der Weltwirt-
    schaftskrise wirksame Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Arbeitslosigkeit und Armut der

    Million iranischen Arbeiter und Arbeiterinen durch Schließungen der Fabriken und
    Betriebe sind an der Tages ordnung Das Regime sieht seine politische Macht in gefahr
    und ver sucht vergeblich durch weitere Hinrichtungen von Politischen Gefangenen
    und Folter mit einer Angst und Schreckensatmosphäre weiter an der Macht zu bleiben

    Die Weltöffentlichkeit muss wissen ,das den aktive Linken und fortschrittliche kräften
    im iran und im Ausland mit Erpressung begegnet wurde und wird.

    Wir fordern alle Friedensinitiaven,organisationen und Freiheitsliebenden Menschen
    in der iran auf.
    Uterdrückung im Iran nicht schweiend mit anzusehen,sondern mit allen Mitteln
    dieses Terrorregime zu verurteilen und gemeinsam zu handeln.
    Die Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Iran kann mit Weltweiten Protestaktionen
    Gestoppt Werden . Die linken iranischenExil-Oppositionellen tragen mit
    Demonstrationen und Protestaktionen geben sich müheauf die Situation der
    iranischen Bevölkerung hinzuweisen.
    Diese Öffentlichkeitsarbeit werden wir auch weiterhin betreiben.
    Die islamische Regierung im Iran muss vollständig wirtschaftlich boykottiert und
    politisch isoliert werden.

    ich hoffe,dass zum eintags das iranischen Volksaufstands am 12 juni 2009
    Millionen und mehr von Iranerinnen und Iranern wie letztes Jahr an Großde-
    monstrationen und Generalstreiks teilnnehmen werden.
    um dieses mörderisch System zu stürzen.
    Alle politischen Gefangenen im Iran müssen Sofort Freigelassen werden und
    die Hinrichtungen im Iran müssen Gestoppt und verboten werden.

    Pressefreiheit im Iran und gleiche Rechte für Frauen müssen geschaffen und
    respektiert werden
    Nur der Sturz dieses Systems kann im Iran Sozialismus und Freiheit für die
    Iranische Bevölkerung bringen

    Nieder mit der islamischen Regierung im Iran
    Hoch die Internationale Soliderität

    Posted by mahmoud nickpi | June 27, 2010, 9:39 am
  9. This brutality and ancient barbarism must stop. Now! We are in the 21st Century!
    Women around the world must use their voice/power to pressure the Iranian government to stop this inhumane sentence.

    Posted by Mina Orr | June 27, 2010, 11:29 am
  10. criminal government of islamic republic wants to stone another woman. sakineh is being prepared to face rocks of prescribed sizes by quran, the book of violence and barbarism. sakineh has done no harm to no human being and no animal either. sakinehs only guilt is having sexual relationship with another adult human being. these thieves, taugs and criminals have been stoning, ecxecuting, torturing people since they came to power and they will do so until the day they are topled by revolutionary people of iran.
    it is the duty of every human being to protest againest these barbaric actions and barbarians by any means they can.

    down with islamic republic
    down with barbarism

    long live humanity
    long live sakineh

    Posted by habib biktash | June 27, 2010, 3:35 pm
  11. I really don’t know what to say but I know that what they gone do is out of humanity please help her

    Posted by hussein | June 27, 2010, 6:57 pm
  12. Oh this can’t be true….Obama says we should take a world view, Islam is peaceful. What BS, they have already infected the UK, perhaps terminally…and they want nothing but submission from the entire world. When will reasonable people rise up and topple the insane people that ruined Persia and contribute nothing to world peace or harmony.
    Now Obama is having secret meetings with Hamas!….read below….and so it starts unless the US cleans government house in November and 2012.

    A senior Hamas figure said Friday that official and unofficial US sources have asked the Islamist group to refrain from making any statements regarding contacts with Washington, this following reports that a senior American official is due to arrive in an Arab country in the coming days to relay a telegram from the Obama Administration.

    The Hamas figure told the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper that the Americans fear discussing the talks publicly would “rouse the Jewish lobby and other pressure groups in the US and cause them to pressure the administration to suspend all talks with Hamas.”

    The Hamas figure, who is close to Ismail Haniyeh, the prime minister of the government in Gaza, added, “This is a sensitive subject. The Americans don’t want anyone to comment on it because this would catch the attention of pressure groups (in the US) and cause problems.”

    He said Hamas’ exiled leadership in Damascus is overseeing the contacts behind closed doors.

    Posted by Gary | June 28, 2010, 1:16 am
  13. I am for jailing the person, but, oppose any kind of physical torture or execution for the crimes he/she may have been committed. Save this lady from being executed, for, her children badly need her for their overall growth.

    Posted by Laavanya Ballal. | June 29, 2010, 2:32 am
  14. She is innocent. She is a mother. Please help her not to be killed by such savage action. Please help her to be released.

    Posted by babak | June 29, 2010, 3:50 am
  15. Man’s inhumanity to man. Shameful. Such a barbaric act. But they haven’t advanced much, have they? Backward people, with a backward way of thinking.
    What can we do to help?
    The people that allow this to happen are insane.
    What I want to know is, what happened to the men that took advantage of her?
    They murdered her husband and then probably raped her. Makes my blood boil.
    How can anyone stand it?
    I see them here in the US all bundeled up in black with only their eyes showing in the heat of the summer and their “husbands” smiling and really cool in shorts. I feel like bashing them in the face and making them dress like their wives see how they like it.
    Who died and made them king? What makes them think they are superior and allowed to treat women like garbage? What kind of souls do they have? Sick, Sick, Sick. How quickly they forget that for 9 months they shared their mother’s body.
    Worse than wild rabid animals, the whole lot of them.

    Posted by ana | July 1, 2010, 1:00 pm
  16. It is too sad and too cruel!!!!!
    its hard to know that things like that occurs. i wish that the children will see there mother alive and healthy, instead of taking part forcibly in the stoning Ceremony.
    Adi – israel.

    Posted by Adi | July 1, 2010, 1:28 pm
  17. Freedom of expression and freedom to choose how to live legally inalienable right of every human being.
    God is wise and kind and very generous with their servants repent of sin passes.
    Such brutal and inhumane treatment of stone head with divine law which can be explained?
    God help you to cease this brutality and the Sakineh Free Families return to arms.

    Posted by Sadeh B | July 2, 2010, 3:53 pm
  18. People of the world!

    Our so-called leaders are not going to make the world a better place – they are destroying it for us all.
    It is up to ALL OF US to change this ugly world, and the first step is to NEVER ACCEPT MURDER of other humans.


    Only a “religious” FOOL would think otherwise.

    Posted by Rizwan | July 3, 2010, 8:31 am
  19. KILLING other human beings is NEVER right, no matter what ANYONE says.
    People who cannot see this are LOST SOULS.
    No TRUE religious person EVER sanctifies MURDER.

    ACT NOW!!!!

    Posted by Fatima | July 3, 2010, 8:39 am
  20. How can morality be more important than the sancticty of human life?

    These “judges” have toally lost their way, there should be a massive riot in the streets of Tehran against this barbarism, which casts shame on ALL of Iran and plays directly into the hands of Iran’s enemies.

    LONG LIVE HUMANITY – but only if we WAKE UP FIRST before it is TOO LATE

    Posted by Fatima | July 3, 2010, 8:43 am
  21. I cant understand how they can do such inhuman and barbaric things with the name of God!Who is their God?Stop violence!

    Posted by neda | July 3, 2010, 9:28 am
  22. This woman needs help not to be tortured like that.

    Who are these men to do this, that they think they have the rights when it is ok for men to do the same thing and go free. In the first place she didn’t commit a crime. She does not deserve this treatment

    It shocks me that part of the world is still so barabric and needs to stop. I thank “”my God “”I do not live there.

    Her children need to help her not take part. They need to love her no matter what.

    If their god was so wonderful this would not be taught and allowed.

    IN the name of my God, Jesus Christ I asked thee, please save this woman. Amen

    Posted by carolyn | July 3, 2010, 12:53 pm
  23. If you do send a letter to the Red Cross, please note that Florian Westphal is a man. So it should be addressed to Mr. not Ms. Westphal.

    Posted by Rachel | July 4, 2010, 3:15 am
  24. Ojalá que tuviesen que sufrir ellos estás lapidaciones en su propia carne, cada piedra un millar de veces, estos estúpidos y miedicos fachas misóginos con alto índice de complejo de inferioridad, que intentan transformar a la mujer en apéndice suyo, ocultando la belleza de la mujer libre, su inteligencia, su fuerza y su generosidad bajo el burkha o cualquier velo semejante, para imagen y semejanza a su propio penis y para que así puedan sentirse dueños del planeta y seguir destruyéndolo en sus interminables juegos de guerra, proyectados desde el cajón de arena por unas mentes bobas e infantiles venidos desgraciadamente a adultos.


    Posted by Dorothee G | July 4, 2010, 2:16 pm
  25. I am fully prepared to be stoned in her place. I do not know if this is possible but I am gloriously serious. I want to confront evil with love. There is no power strong enough to beat love. I have discussed this with my wife and, although she is worried, she understands me and stands behind me. Anybody with me?

    Posted by Willem | July 4, 2010, 2:22 pm
  26. I made a video in support of this cause and read the letter on Youtube.

    Posted by Divinity33372 | July 5, 2010, 5:05 am
  27. Please free Sakine Mohammed from have the inhumane stoning. In the 21st century we are more humane and do not condone the evil of stoning. Please save her.

    Posted by Marian R. Fisher | July 5, 2010, 3:22 pm
  28. please stop this barbaric atrocity from occuring! Stoning is inhumane and horrendous! The act of stoning makes Iran look like a barbaric nation, uninterested in humanity and backwards! Please, Iran, become modern and do not allow such atrocious behavior and punishments!!!!!

    Posted by alix | July 5, 2010, 5:53 pm
  29. Dear god,

    Stay the fuck out of politics. Otherwise, this happens.

    Kind regards,

    Posted by JordanC | July 5, 2010, 6:09 pm
    • ‘let him who is without sin throw the first stone’ Jesus to men accusing a woman of adultery. Jesus (Son of God) didn’t stay out of politics, he campaigned on behalf of the oppressed.

      Posted by Lorraine | July 6, 2010, 3:02 pm
  30. An act as outrageous and barbarous as this should never be permitted to happen in a civilized worls. Please help to ensure this innocent woman is not murdered by sending letters as the instructions on this site provide.

    Posted by Rob Olsson | July 5, 2010, 6:57 pm
  31. A confession obtained using torture is not reliable. Let this woman go! The world will not excuse those who harm her. Show the world that you are compassionate, kind and just. Allow her to work out her issues with her God.

    Posted by Dr. Joseph Gilbert | July 5, 2010, 7:17 pm
  32. Please do not apply your religious beliefs in an inhumane way.

    Posted by Dr. Jim Wyrtzen | July 6, 2010, 3:22 am
  33. In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the Wise, the Ever-Forgiving, the Light, the Pardoner, the Witness, … let he who is without sin cast the first stone…
    … who are these people and what religion could they possibly practise?
    The man who is right must also be wrong. What justification could rationalise such powerful cruelty? What good could ever come from such action?
    What blindness allows them to think that God is on their side?
    God, it is said, lies at the feet of the mother. Do these men not have mothers? This woman is a mother … may God have mercy on her and on each man who would pick up a stone …

    Posted by paula | July 6, 2010, 3:35 am
  34. stop this violence.

    Posted by chris | July 6, 2010, 7:36 am
  35. I feel ashamed to be a Muslim when I see news like this. :(

    Posted by Khaleed | July 6, 2010, 10:38 am
  36. This is so sad…. so very very sad.

    Posted by CMS | July 6, 2010, 6:00 pm
  37. I am very Pro-Life (Unless a murder); and this woman does NOT deserve to be killed! How do we even known she cheated?! It’s HER life. This is no different from abortion; taking away someone’s rights. Stand UP! Stop this! I am not scarred of some men! Ferthermore; stoning is a horriable way to die. Save the innoccents!

    Posted by Pro-Life-For-Everyone | July 6, 2010, 6:44 pm
  38. Many of us westerners can not fathom the reality of this. See the DVD-
    The Stoning of Soraya M., a true story, for a visual take on this terrible practice. If
    you haven’t written the letters suggested above, it will motivate you to do so.

    Posted by francine aiello | July 6, 2010, 9:33 pm
  39. Please for the love of God, don’t do this. We are taught to forgive and not judge. You are judging this mother and this is a very cruel way to die. If this is the muslin way of showing their love, I don’t want any part of it.

    Posted by Judy | July 6, 2010, 11:42 pm
  40. A thing like this make us wonder if we really have evolved as humans. I do not hold prejudices against Islam, or any religion, but I think this is an act of cowardy, ignorance and stupidity. I fully support the release and freedom of this woman. May God bless all those who deserved to be truly blessed.

    Posted by Laura | July 7, 2010, 12:53 am
  41. Hi, you accepted my criticisms from my comments before, revamped your site by making some of the improvements i suggested. I am very glad you became wise after feedback.. but you have also taken off my comments. why?

    it is now obvious to me that you are a propaganda group. no one who was serious about saving their mother, who had the details in their hands, would have a weak website and only change that website after a critic suggests corrections. If you put back my criticisms of your site, I will believe you. Long live the CIA.

    Posted by keni | July 7, 2010, 3:48 am
  42. Oh are there any words to describe this pending event. There are not. All I would ask the muslim world is to show us the moral high ground. The western world is criticised for being immoral by your own leaders. Choose to prove to us that your morality is more compassionate. This is not how people of faith act. All religions are based on faith and compassion and the golden rule. Prove to us that the words of Allah are not being lost to men of this world. Our own western faith has be abusing and molesting children, which is deplorable. The muslim faith has always strived to maintain the highest of moral levels. The muslim world needs to see this poor woman as an opportunity to show the world the way to a new compassionate world.

    Posted by Alan | July 7, 2010, 5:18 am
  43. Dear God,

    Posted by Mohammad | July 7, 2010, 5:51 am
  44. sickening and barbaric. Bringing them back to the cavemen times. Their country seems more and more backwards and uncivilized every day.

    Posted by Amy | July 7, 2010, 7:41 am
  45. My prayers are with Sakineh and her family. There must be something done about this disgusting and primitive practice NOW. I don’t care if she is innocent or guilty this type of punishment is sexist, brutal and inhumane. This is a crime against nature and humanity and should not be tolerated any longer! I am the Publisher & Editor of 2 national magazines and I will assign this story to a staff writer immediately! If Sakineh is killed her death will be the catalyst to finally outlaw this medieval torture and murder of women.

    Posted by Terrence Sanders | July 7, 2010, 10:57 am
  46. This cannot be true. Islam and its adherents are peaceful and loving. Our president Barack Obama has made this clear to us, and has engaged the Muslim world with a show of a hand of peace. He has also engage noneother than NASA with a new primary goal, that of making the Muslim world feel good about their contributions to science and technology.

    Posted by JFW | July 7, 2010, 12:46 pm
  47. I am still in disbelief and horror over this. How Barbaric! We are in 2010. If they are trying to say that they are pulling this crap out of the Bible or some other religious text they are a dangerous and sorry people. They Bible teaches FORGIVENESS and to love as YOU yourself would want to be.


    Posted by Brian | July 7, 2010, 11:22 pm
  48. This is pure violence and terror. There can not be any acceptance for this kind of behavior. It is barbaric. Your country need a big change. If you keep killing your own people, what will be left? Nobody deserves this kind of treatment.
    I hope the change will come soon. Stay strong.

    Posted by Minna | July 8, 2010, 4:18 am
  49. There aren’t words enough to say how barbaric brutal and vicious this is. Just a vile set up to protect a group of primitive uncivilised men dominating the women of their country. We know not all Iranians are like that. However, if the Iranian government want to prove they are not a backward and uncivilised, primitive country let them show mercy and compassion and real justice by letting this woman go free unhindered and go back home to her children.

    Posted by Linda D'Artell | July 8, 2010, 8:00 am
  50. Everyone Please take a moment to sign the petition to save Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. This Barbaric act must be stopped! please send this woman home to her children. I am also ashamed to say that I am Muslim.

    Posted by Ruth Sadri | July 8, 2010, 8:36 am
  51. Dear Ms. Pillay,

    I am writing to you with an urgent demand that you intervene with the authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran, who are preparing to execute by stoning Sakine Mohammadi e Ashtiani. Stoning is a barbaric form of torture and execution that should be outlawed worldwide. It is your responsibility to step in and demand a halt to these proceedings.

    The children of Ms. Mohammadi e Ashtiana have written a letter in her defense, and have issued a call to the world asking for help. Their letter is here; I suggest you read it, and then act according to their heartrending demands.

    Sincerely, Carolyn Brandon

    Posted by Carolyn Brandon | July 8, 2010, 9:20 am
  52. Dear Mission Free Friends,
    I am the Editor of Precious Woman Magazine, a publication that strongly advocates ending all forms of violence towards women, whether domestic or in times or war or in this case, pure injustice. I would very much like to help you raise attention of this and any similar stories of unjust violence towards women in Islamic nations by running several features or even anonymous first-person accounts, to help shed light on these issues. In past editions, we have covered the femicide taking place in the Democratic Republic of Congo and interviewed John Prendergast about the plight of women in the Sudan. I am deeply moved by Sakine’s story and have taken the time to send this link to all our readers and supporters. Please contact me asap with details of who to speak to in your organization. Sincerely, Anna Marie

    Posted by Anna Marie Hopewell | July 8, 2010, 12:12 pm
    • Hi Anna Marie,

      We greatly appreciate your attention to Sakineh’s case, and your work in advocacy for ending violence against women sounds fantastic. My email is – feel free to get in touch at any time; I’ll also copy your email into my address book.

      Thanks so much for getting in touch, and thak you for sharing Sakineh’s sitaution with your readers & supporters!!! :)

      Posted by missionfreeiran | July 8, 2010, 11:42 pm
  53. We appeal for you to demonstrate true humanity, by blocking the terribly cruel judiciary who have wrongly determined that the life of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. This woman has already endured full punishment for her act, and should be released to fill the need that her children have for a loving and caring mother. It is time for the people of Iran to show that they do have compassion and forgiveness, instead of the horribly cruelty that has turned the world against Iranians in the past. This is especially true of their leaders and magistrates, of course.

    Posted by Jack & Marilyn VanHesteren | July 8, 2010, 11:26 pm
  54. Outlooks on life in different cultures across the world will never be uniform. However, a compromise should be made. A compromise of what is fair and just for certain convictions, especially under the given circumstances.

    How can one possibly convict someone of being guilty when there is no evidence to back up such a case (of adultry), especially when there is a life involved.

    Understandably, in different cultures adultry will be viewed in different ways and there will be different consequences. However, there should be a worldwide compromise that there should not be a death penality for such an offence. Afterall, adultry happens worldwide, but there is not a worldwide death penality for all those who commit- if there was a death pentality for all those who commit, the population of the world would be significantly smaller than it is at the moment and those who live and do not commit adulty will become bitter and angry as a result of losing loved ones (we all know someone who has comitted adultry, therefore we would all loose a loved one)… subsequently this will only make the world a hateful place.

    God Bless.

    Posted by Sarah | July 9, 2010, 4:08 am
  55. Stop stoning of Sakineh

    Posted by Elham | July 9, 2010, 4:24 am
  56. I am asking for mercy for this woman. I am a Christian, but I have heard that Allah your God is merciful. My God Jesus would forgive her, and tell her not to sin no more. I believe in my heart she is innocent, I know that by releasing her, God will bless you for showing mercy on her. Please show mercy and kindness in Jesus name I pray amen!

    Posted by Evangelist Debra Tate | July 9, 2010, 1:32 pm

    Posted by anna | July 9, 2010, 7:14 pm
  58. Dear almighty forgive all those people who are sinners and are raising fingers on Sakineh. I urge all Iranians to Stop stoning of Sakineh or any other form of punshment as they are not pure.
    Jesus has been crucified for all our Sins ask forgiveness for her sin and all our sins


    Posted by Abhoy Pattnaik | July 9, 2010, 9:03 pm
  59. I feal ashamed to be the same race as how ever things stoning and tourture is okay.

    Please sign this petittion…

    Posted by Kent | July 10, 2010, 11:54 am
  60. I can’t imagin for a moment that in what pain you and your mother should be…I pray to God that this violence and cruelty and barbarity will soon be stopped…

    Posted by Nazanin | July 10, 2010, 1:36 pm
  61. i will chang my religes if this happend to sakineh

    Posted by ali | July 10, 2010, 1:38 pm
  62. Unfortunetly only now we are seeing these horrible acts. These “muslims” are not human beings, even animals are not capable of doing these things.

    Posted by Siamak | July 13, 2010, 10:34 pm
  63. Your mother does not deserve to die. PLEASE spare the life of this woman who is so loved by her childeren and hasn’t done anything that deserves death!!!

    Posted by Sandra | July 14, 2010, 9:31 pm
  64. Oh Dear God, have mercy upon this poor and helpless woman.

    Have mercy upon her and her family and save them all. Amen

    Posted by Alexy | July 20, 2010, 12:48 am
  65. I feal ashamed to be the same race as how ever things stoning and tourture is okay.

    Posted by agus | July 20, 2010, 11:38 am
  66. morality is an important aspect of humans!!
    BUT stoning a human and that too a woman,a mother is highly immoral in a civilized world!!
    stop this sheer nonsense rather its a crime!!!

    Posted by vaibhav bhardwaj | July 31, 2010, 4:23 am
  67. There is no more brutal, cruel, and violent crime that what Iranian authorities will do to Sakineh. Stop the stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani!

    Posted by Dolores | August 1, 2010, 1:37 pm
  68. Por favor les ruego que tengan misericordia y no le quiten la vida a shakine es algo inhumano y muy cruel es un acto despiadado y falta de respeto a Dios quien es el unico dueño de la vida y la muerte pues ustedes seran mas pecadores que ella tomando su vida con sus manos es una decision provenientes de hombres crueles que se hacen llamar justos, para que sepan justo hay uno solo y es Dios y quien esté libre de pecados arroje la primera piedra piensenlo quien debe juzgar es solo DIOS (RESPETEN A NUESTRO CREADOR) HONREN A JEHOVÁ CUMPLIENDO LOS MANDAMIENTOS SOBRE ÉL AMARLO CON TODO EL CORAZON CON TODA SU ALMA CON TODAS SUS FUERZAS ESTA ES LA LEY PRIMERA Y LA LEY SEGUNDA ES AMAR AL PROJIMO COMO A UNO MISMO ASI MISMO COMO PERDONAR PARA SER PERDONADOS ESTAS PALABRAS LAS ESCRIBO EN NOMBRE DEL SEÑOR JESUSCRISTO AMEN

    Posted by Manuel Lizaso | August 13, 2010, 2:35 am
  69. S’il vous plait messieurs les juges, ne tué pas cette femme, aucun être humain ne mérite de mourir par lapidation et par aucune autre façon que se soit, veuillez s’il vous plait réexaminé son dossier et libéré cette maman qu’elle puisse rejoindre ces deux enfants
    Cordialement. Yoni

    Posted by Bendavid | August 15, 2010, 8:28 pm
  70. man dar mored etefage oftade besyar moteasefam. omidvaram ke khodavand be shoma komak konad ta in rozhara ba sabr va moghavemat begozaranid. man baraye shoma doa mikonam.

    Posted by mary | August 17, 2010, 3:47 pm
  71. This is disgusting! true evil!!!

    Posted by pettymolly | August 27, 2010, 7:47 pm
  72. God has created us, human life is sacred. Let us instead respect and protect life of every creature. Let us forgive each other and love each other as God has shown us forgiving and loving us, because even though we all have sinned against Him and against each other, he still does not sweep us away from this earth, but lets the sun shine over mankind, and the rain bring life and food…But when shall we ever learn from Him?

    Posted by giovanni pietro cuccolo | September 2, 2010, 6:18 pm
  73. God helps he who helps himself. But how can he help us to save Sakineh if there is no action, or if we have no opportunity to help? All that we can do is communicate with those who are in a position to take action. We can sign as many petitions as we can find.

    Sakineh has become a symbol of human dignity. Are we able, in this day and age, to preserve it? If we lose Sakineh and if she is tortured in any way, if she remains imprisoned, we have all truly lost for human dignity has gone beyond our reach.

    Do everything you can to help. Sakineh could be anyone. She is one of us, one of humanity.

    Posted by Maryam | September 6, 2010, 3:33 pm
  74. Por favor les ruego que tengan misericordia y no le quiten la vida a shakine es algo inhumano y muy cruel es un acto despiadado y falta de respeto a Dios quien es el unico dueño de la vida y la muerte pues ustedes seran mas pecadores que ella tomando su vida con sus manos es una decision provenientes de hombres crueles que se hacen llamar justos, para que sepan justo hay uno solo y es Dios y quien esté libre de pecados arroje la primera piedra piensenlo quien debe juzgar es solo DIOS (RESPETEN A NUESTRO CREADOR) HONREN A JEHOVÁ CUMPLIENDO LOS MANDAMIENTOS SOBRE ÉL AMARLO CON TODO EL CORAZON CON TODA SU ALMA CON TODAS SUS FUERZAS ESTA ES LA LEY PRIMERA Y LA LEY SEGUNDA ES AMAR AL PROJIMO COMO A UNO MISMO ASI MISMO COMO PERDONAR PARA SER PERDONADOS ESTAS PALABRAS LAS ESCRIBO EN NOMBRE DEL SEÑOR JESUSCRISTO AMEN

    Posted by Antonio Ramos | September 8, 2010, 12:22 pm
  75. komakesh konid azad she

    Posted by omid | September 12, 2010, 7:27 am
  76. Let this woman go and return to her family. This act will only further underscore most of the worlds negative few of Iran and it’s leaders. It’s time to change this by doing the right and decent and compassionate thing. SET HER FREE.

    Posted by Christina W | November 3, 2010, 6:19 am
  77. stop

    Posted by re | November 7, 2010, 6:11 pm


    Posted by true hindu | March 30, 2012, 9:24 am


  1. Pingback: CALL FOR GLOBAL PROTEST, July 2: Stop Stoning of Sakine Mohammadi! | برای ایران آزاد mission free iran - June 27, 2010

  2. Pingback: Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani on the Verge of Death by Stones | Persian2English - June 28, 2010

  3. Pingback: ما موظفيم سکينه را نجات دهيم!|| CALL FOR GLOBAL PROTEST, July 2: Stop Stoning of Sakine Mohammadi! | برای ایران آزاد mission free iran - June 28, 2010

  4. Pingback: Washington DC: STOP the STONING of Sakine Mohammadi | برای ایران آزاد mission free iran - June 28, 2010

  5. Pingback: Information round-up on planned stoning to death of young mother in East Azerbaijan Province | - July 1, 2010

  6. Pingback: سه سوال از محمد مصطفايي وکيل سکينه محمدي آشتياني | برای ایران آزاد mission free iran - July 5, 2010

  7. Pingback: Nothing less than barbaric | Selfish Mom - July 6, 2010

  8. Pingback: Can Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani Be Saved? « Grand Rants - July 6, 2010

  9. Pingback: This is what happens when Ayatollahs take advice from the Python team. « Boris Pomroy's Blog - July 8, 2010

  10. Pingback: Iran woman escapes stoning death for adultery - Page 3 - Pet Forums Community - July 9, 2010

  11. Pingback: Iran woman escapes stoning death for adultery - Page 3 - Pet Forums Community - July 9, 2010

  12. Pingback: The Skeptic: Blog » Weekly News and Blog Roundup: Here to Help - July 9, 2010

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